fourth lesson | Magic Spells 101

Jul 23, 2011 13:17

[ACTION, 1446 Mitchell Road]

[So a few days ago, like many other residents of Mayfield, Negi had woken up to find a strange package waiting for him. He's wary of it, of course, and hasn't opened it in days.

But curiosity has won out, and now he's tearing away the wrapping paper and...staring.

It's his staff. Not only that, but there's a picture of him casting a low-level spell, and once he picks it up, he suddenly feels his magic returning to him. It's not all of it--certainly, it's not as powerful as it used to, but it's there.

He breathes a sigh of relief. Finally.]


[So today, Negi can be found all over town, like:

a.) In the park! Or rather, some remote place in the park, where he's chanting something in Latin.]

Ras Tel Ma Scir Magister! Quinque spiritus lucis, coeuntes sagittent inimicum. Sagitta Magica, Series Lucis!

[...welp, there goes a tree. But it's evident that it isn't quite at the usual level yet, judging from the sigh

b.) Buying groceries at the grocery store. It's normal, actually--or it would be if he wasn't carrying around a huge stick with bandages on it. Also, he's kind of...trying to reach that one item on his list that he never can quite get. Feel free to notice this.

c.) At night, hovering leisurely over some houses in the neighborhood (and some that aren't). He's basically on a lookout right now, but is trying his best to keep himself hidden from sight, hence why there's a ten-year-old kid floating on a staff hovering just up on the rooftop, trying not to be seen. Do you notice him?]

to protect the people of mayfield, i'll be turned into an ermine for this, yay for magic, do you have no shame?!, in which we decimate trees, boom goes the trees, i think the staff's compensation for som

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