
Dec 09, 2004 16:56

С английского. Встроен в Гугл. Оцените-с:

Getragen mit einem Spaltegaumen, einer zerebralen Lähmung und einem Spina Bifida zu einer Bauernhof- Familie.
(Born with a cleft palate, cerebral palsy, and spina bifida to a farm family.)

Ging schliesslich Vorhang und mußte sein akademisches Schreiben oben geben.
(In later life he became blind, and had to give up his academic writing.)

Fest Oktobers 3 ihrer ersten Übersetzung, gefeiert innerhalb des schlechten Clares
(3 October, feast of her first translation, celebrated within the Poor Clares)

Töchter eines Zählimpulses und der countess.
(Clare’s father was a count, her mother the countess...)

Sie war humble, merciful, das Bezaubern, optimistisch, und chivalrous. Sie würde spät nachts zum Querstreifen in ihrem Schwesterwho'd aufstehen, das weg von ihren Abdeckungen getreten wurde. Sie täglich meditated auf der Neigung.
(She was humble, merciful, charming, optimistic, chivalrous, and every day she meditated on the Passion of Jesus. She would get up late at night to tuck in her sisters who’d kicked off their blankets.)

Fue eventual la persiana, y tuvo que dar para arriba su escritura académica.
(In later life he became blind, and had to give up his academic writing.)

del 23 banquete de septiembre de encontrar de su cuerpo
del 3 banquete de octubre de su primera traducción
(23 September, feast of the finding of her body
3 October, feast of her first translation, celebrated within the Poor Clares)

Hijas de una cuenta y de countess. Su padre murió jóvenes.
(Clare’s father was a count, her mother the countess... Her father died when the girl was very young.)

Clare y su primo Pacifica funcionaron lejos del palacio de su madre durante la noche.
(With her cousin Pacifica, Clare ran away from her mother’s palace during the night to enter religious life.)

La madre y las hermanas de Clare ensamblaron más adelante la orden, y hay millares inmóviles de vidas el vivir de los miembros de rezo en silencio.
(Clare’s mother and sisters later joined the order, and there are still thousands of members living lives of silence and prayer.)

Ella se levantaría tarde en la noche a la imagen doble por la lámina en su who'd de las hermanas golpeado con el pie de sus cubiertas.
(She would get up late at night to tuck in her sisters who’d kicked off their blankets.)

цирк на дроте, переводы

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