Too much to say.

Sep 27, 2004 23:50

This whole journal thing doesn't seem to be working out for me too well. Sorry I haven't been keeping up; I guess I'm just a busy girl! Well, I'll give you a few updates, not all, because that will just take a million years to do and Nikki doesn't have time for that...

Let's see... things in my life are really good right now. A couple weeks ago, school life was rough and unjuste for me. So that Thursday night, Carmella and I decided that we just needed to let loose and I think we let loose a little too much. Oh well, who cares? We definitely had an amazing time! We had a very limited liquor supply, but we just took shots, one right after the other. I have learned that I really shouldn't talk when I'm drunk though. Many things were said that night...and you probably know what was said already. Pretty humorous, huh? Whoever didn't get the joy of reading my away, here it is now:

Auto response from shortynikw: carm and i are out toghet erb c we love each toher ands o mcuh and we are going out onj th etown in morangaotn bc we love ac h other and wer'e best frinds!

Anyway, that weekend WVU kicked Maryland's ass! Yeah! That was definitely an exciting game. I didn't go out that night though, because the night before, I had only gotten two hours of sleep, so I was dead.

Last weekend went like this: Nothing but fun! Guess who came into town? Ali Farley and Carol Ann!!!!! You have no idea how much I missed those girls. This past summer, all I did was hang out with Ali and now it sucks not being able to see her nearly as much as I used to. Ali + Me = lots of fun trouble that I get Ali into...oops! I was so so happy to see both of them though. Friday night, we went to Jesse's house and that was loads of fun. We played drinking games (Circle of Death). So much fun! Well, I don't remember everything from that night (it's been a long weekend), so we'll just move on to Saturday...

We killed JMU, of course (Sorry Danny), and then celebrated Saturday night. That night, the girls and I went to Panera for dinner. Yum! Then we went to Taco Bell to pick up Ray's "soft double deckers" or were they "grande soft tacos?" It was an adventure in the drive-thru. Ray bought Ca and me pretty malt beverages. We stole this huge ass bottle of Smirnoff vodka because someone stole a 4-pack of my strawberry daquiris so I thought it was a fair trade off...sort of. The cops came later that night and I remember being really nervous, because I thought they were coming to put me in jail since I took the liquor. So I tried being discreet as possible...of course, after I fell in the mud. Hmm...yeah, I guess that was my night. Nothing really "Oh my God" exciting happened. I remember getting really pissed at this annoying kid who kept running his mouth about my malt beverage. He was just SO damn annoying! That was probably my biggest downside of the night.

Lately, I've been reminiscing about all of my old friends. Sometimes other people's journals really have a big impact on you. One of my friends, Jackie, moved back out to Vegas and it sucks when I can't see her. She's got a good head on her shoulders and I wish I could be there for her more when she needs it, but it's kind of hard. Talk about being there for someone... I am so proud of my friend Kim. About two months ago, she had a baby girl, Madison Olivia. And if any of you ever knew Kim, you just knew how her life was. Ever since Madison, it's apparent it's done a whole 180; I can tell that Madison has been a true miracle for Kim and words can't express how proud of her I am. I doubt I could ever be as strong as her and everything she's been through, but she's survived and that's just amazing. Kim, I can't wait to meet Madison... she's the most beautiful baby ever. I don't have any doubt in you, because I know with Madison's love, you can accomplish anything. I love you.

Okay, it's time for me to get going.
Love ya,
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