sticky post // to write list

Jul 22, 2010 00:56

various fandoms. (just ideas)

• (Better Off Arthur) Merlin AU, pg. Merlin and Wil reluctantly invite Arthur to their Medieval Fight Club. Gwen tries to befriend Morgana. Based off of the Better Off Ted episode You Are The Boss Of Me. (WATCH IT)

• (burning clothes) Psych, g. Shawn's folding his laundry in the kitchen and puts his mail on the stove. Gus freaks out. So, pretty much Shawn & Gus being all domestic and adorable.

• Five Times Phil Freaked The Fuck Out Better Off Ted, pg "You'll never guess the 10-digit code I put on the [insert invention here]." “...Is it the Fibonacci sequence?” “…OH MY GOD, HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT? I programmed it at home, have you been watching me? I thought so long on a clever sequence-” “I-I’m sorry, it was a total guess! I really had no idea-”

• (The One With The Nuns) Merlin AU, pg13-r?. Backstory + continuation of the crackfic w/ nuns already posted here. Merlin was raised in a convent by the elderly Father Gaius. He befriends the young Sister Gwen, the well-meaning-yet-frightening Sister Morgana, moves to the city, and has a relationship with a lot of sin that I will not be writing. D: SORRY.

More to come as I think of them. GOD I NEED ENERGY. HELP ME THINK OF THINGS? This is like my own cheerleader-booty-call post. :D

writing, my lame is showing, fandom: general

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