mourning morning

Jun 20, 2007 08:56

I really love morning when I am awake enough to see it. I mean early morning. Morning when it's still kind of dark out, when there are more people sleeping than awake. When everyone else is in their beds and I am out of mine. I feel a bit more connected to the Earth when I have one of those mornings. But as for this morning, and all the mornings behind this one, I haven't been able to enjoy anything. I've been stuck in traffic, it's been gloomy, and I haven't been able to stop for coffee. It's really disheartening. I go to sleep dreading the end of a 4 - 7 hour bliss. I go to sleep at night hoping for the nap I might have when I get back from babysitting.
So, what I'd really enjoy...
is to "catch up" on sleep for a solid three days
(for this plan I'd need a couple days off, therefore it will not be executed anytime in the near future, BUT)
I want to plan ahead for waking up either a little bit before or just after or at exactly the same time as
the sun comes up.
And it will be wonderful, because I'll be able to make amends with morning.

But now it's 9:06 AM and the kids are getting along decently and I've just had breakfast, so I'm going to take some Advil and get rid of my headache and play with dogs.

Oh, Curb Your Enthusiasm makes me feel intensely uncomfortable in the most hilarious way.
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