
Mar 07, 2006 01:27

Yep, I believe it's been long enough now, and nows a good a time as any to write about the show I just got through with, the VAGINA MONOLOGUES!!! It was sooo much fun working with all these different girls and women - all different ages and personalities - and I love every last one of them to death... but not like the dominatrix lesbian sex worker I play lol. I was soo happy I get a whip!!! *whhtsh!!!* And Julie let me keep it!!! THANK YOU!!! I guess I've got a new reputation here now. People are shocked, because as you all know, normally I am quite sane and almost shy in a way. I'm quiet. So this was new for them... they'll get used to it. There's gonna be a video, so anyone who'd like to come over sometime on my spring break to watch it with me is more than welcome! It's an amazing show, and I'd love to spend my life seeing more interpretations of that. Someone thought I was actually British haha, and for my sex worker one... guys whistled Monday night. Holy moly, I'm a lesbian, derr!! Lol. I got to drive Dawn's car. She was like, "I trust you Sweetness, here's ma keys..." I'm like... "Are you serious???" But when the stage manager asks you to do something, I've learned, YOU DO IT! Took me around 10 mins just to figure out how to unlock the door, turn the lights on instead of the wipers, get my seat up so that my feet could touch the pedals, and then actually put the beast into drive. But once I got goin, I felt good. Oh, and apparently I have African American hair that Dawn plans on straightening with magical gels sometime. I heart Dawn. I heart everyone in that amazing show. We should do VM every year! Shane and Heather came to see me. I love them to the death, and I can't wait till I see them again. Thank you for making my weekend bearable, you guys!!! I love yous kids!!! Lol. And Nannnnnny, I FINALLY saw that gal, tonight. Her new bf is funny, I like 'em. And the other kid she came with is going to school for film and would like to have me in his movie this summer. WHOA! That gives me an invitation to see Nany! Lol. Jamestown here I come! Speaking of that, I gave her my whip as incentive so that I will be sure to come and reclaim it this weekend - because yes, Nani is also having a show, and I would LOVE to come see it. I plan on it, however possible lol. As long as she doesn't make me watch a scary movie, I think I could really enjoy myself in that basement bed and bath! Oh, the cast party tonight was like really awesome! Lotsa food, and we got to watch ourselves on the video tape, as well as Eve Ensler's version (we unanimously voted that my dominatrix clip should be submitted to replace hers). I will honestly say that I scared the living crap outta myself. Of course, it was 1 o'clock when I finally left, but Heidi was right there with me, and we were so tired and coming off of a sugar high and stage high all we could basically do was make fun of each other lol. I now officially LOVE the drama club here (not to say that my AHS family has been replaced!! I will always hold you in my heart and can't wait for a reunion!!) We had a Barn overnight, and we stayed up till like 5 a.m. playing crazy insane improv games, eating pizza, watching Rent and Monty Python... it was like Consciousness Marathon got crossed with Drama Club cast party. I really had a great time. And now I've fallen into a new role for the next show - that of Kacie, the 13 year-old coffee drinker who is the most mature in her family and wise beyond her years - animated, well-liked, humorous. Of course I'd get Kacie, I'm 5'1", who else would get Kacie?? Lol. But there's only a cast of 5 - a dysfunctional family - both a drama and comedy meshed together into one. Gotta love writers who attempt to successfully do the impossible. Apparently I'm doing really, really well in my English class. I managed to get the toughest teacher ever who never gives As, and also managed to pull of not only an A on my first paper but approval and shock from the teacher herself. She wants me to switch my major to writing communication and be her advisee so she can work more with me. Flattered, I am, but I really need to think about this first. Wow, it's cold in this room. Oh, thats ok, I'll just snuggle up to my Bodayyy Pillowwww from ma rabbit Shane lol. Thank you so much sweet stuff!!! Well, overall, my first college performance was well-done, and I can't wait for my rehearsal tomorrow for Training Wisteria.

P.S. Can you believe Nani went hippy?? She changes styles everytime I see her, I swear. Long purses, long skirts, long jackets, long hair, bright earthy-colored eye shadow... I must admit I like it lol. Well anyway, thanks for comin to see me PR Babe, and Shane!, and HEATHER the awesomest guest on the planet who just so happens to be my bestest friend in the entire universe!!!!!

I love you all! Time for bed before I pass out on my laptop keys!!dasks!Kdadhajksdnboiep39rq34823y48405gzh()4U84YRJDAWEJQRQ387

......... I had ya goin' there for a min, huh.
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