As the days go by, I feel more and ever more detached from the world around me. Estranged from the truths I wish not to disclose to myself. It's bothersome - a human mind would trick its host into believing whatever is most profitable to the situation, even when the reality is quite the opposite. Example: I think I can improve, I'm convince that
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I'm sure it's probably differen things for the both of us, but that bit right there rung pretty true in my head. I'm sorry you have to be going through your own version of it, because any way it goes, it's pretty awful.
Just keep plugging. Things go up, down, level off...the dynamic aspect of life is the only constant thing about it, and I suppose that in itself is reassurance that we really are alive. Sometimes that's all we can hang onto, but hey, it's something.
As for like and love, well, all of that comes on its own time, as well. The neat thing about 'like' is that it can grow off in a number of different directions and varrying degrees of friendship and whatnot. Plus, hell, you're stuck in a highschool environment in which you see the same people, day after day, for years. With life comes new people and new experiences...I wouldn't worry about that too too I've found anyway, things tend to happen upon you of their own timing and accord.
Keep your chin up, bebs. Keep writing, and just take care of yourself. 'This too, shall pass.' *hugar*
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