
Dec 12, 2005 22:19

Back because the bull shit is boiling over, my regular crazy rant.

Enough of the Bullshit.

High School drives me mad. Our school is shifting into the mindset that they are preping us for college. Which means finals for every class, more AP classes, requiring more classes and forcing students to take certain ones. Some of this shit sounds good on paper but doesn't work out. Finals required for every class. Regardless of subject all taken in a 2 day period before xmas break. Which means 2 weeks will be left in the semester when we come back and having already taken the final students won't give a damn. More AP classes. There are 2 things wrong with this. A community college is offered down the street which means those classes could be taken there, but since the school can't regulate those classes they want control of them. Secondly teaching more classes without hiring additional teachers doesn't quite work out. If I were to go in during each of me 3 free periods a day. Thats over 3 hrs of work time I may be able to get help I go and and in a week period I am able to get it twice. There is only one teacher at my school that teaches calc and since hes the only one who knows what the hell he is talking about I have no other alternatives. If I had waited until next year I am sure the class would be the same but there is this little thing called mathlab. Not methlab mathlab. Where there are plenty of people to help. I understand the requirement of a certain number of english or math, ect credits to graduate but telling students they must take a certain level english over another because its more at their level isn't right. If a student wishes to take a class. Let them ultimately they will be the ones responsible for their actions. Whats what its all bout tho isn't it. Really learning responsibility and then demonstrating it.

Can't wait for my escape tunnel outta here to be finished. Target finish date end of May.
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