and now i feel sick.
the next ten days are going to be like when you peel a bandaid off your skin very slowly.
i'm already in my "bright eyes- if winter ends" mood, which is no good, because its shitty and won't go away until, well, when winter ends. if you feel like getting depressed, go listen to it or read the lyrics (or, read ethan frome, which is equally sad, but longer).
i still have three hours (+ eight days) here. they want me to drive to philly tomorrow night. okay. (knowing this prompted me to finally change my oil, which is something i've been needing for about 400 miles).
i have no one to go to the holiday party with, thanks to finals. people without obligations on friday night (or a test to take saturday morning) are encouraged to bother me about it as i do not want to be by myself.
the only thing that made me laugh all day is this reminds me of me: and since i don't want to suffer the fate in the comic, i'll go now.