YLai the bringer of the best mustard

Jul 24, 2008 15:59

Occasionally, I will do a 'big breakfast' lunch-in-a-pan for Kit. Because it is pretty and because I wash ONE PAN.

We have now found the perfect accompaniment to sausages in this fantastic maple mustard from HLV. It's fabulous. Kit has eaten (or drunk?) the first third. He is under STRICT instructions to ration the rest. Here he is in the background shovelling gunks of it into his mouth whilst the edict was being issued.

Vonne: If you haven't tried it, YOU MUST! We are still waiting for a good occasion to bang out the apple jelly. Methinks when we do a crackling pork loin at some point, when I can bring myself to eat pig. Apple jelly and crackling seems a good reason to ignore my misgivings.
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