Sorry for taking so long to get things together, the mods have been a little busy the past week, but the results for the monthly theme are in! :D To refresh everyone's memory, the theme for January was --
(and laughs at nino's failures)
-- in honor of dearest Sho's birthday. <3
Shoneen Club members who completed the theme are:
daffytanbitsy_chanbetterdazedauxetoiles23tezuka_rgrutendonnarusaku4vr If you think your name should be on this list and yet it is not, please comment with the link to your post and I'll get back to you on it. :D
PRIZE EARNERS: Please comment to this post and let me know what you'd like to claim as your prize of the following.
- Icon
- Header
- Profile/Friends Only Banner
- Drabble
If you choose a graphic, please provide a picture. If you'd like a drabble, please provide a prompt. If you don't have a preferred picture or a prompt handy, we'll come up with something for you. <3
THANKS EVERYONE!!! Hope to see some Shoneen love around Valentine's Day. <3 <3 <3
There may be a full blown contest in March, so keep checking back. :D