Been busy

May 05, 2008 14:14

Thursday, my bnl called to tell me that apparently while on their way here, the jack-asses car died. So they all stuffed themselves into my sister's truck and came here.

Chris, being stuck, and being the good guy that he is, not only is he letting these two live in his house for a short time, but he took Joe, and drive him out to Kent, TX (out by Van Horn, approx 7 hours away from here) so he could fix the hose that busted on the POS Didge Avenger that Jeremy owns. They get out there, and guess what? Joe forgot to bring the key to the car. Seriously.
So NOTHING was fixed.
They just had a 14-16 hour road trip for nothing. Major retardedness.

Reana did start hew job this weekend, so I suppose that's good. But without their car, the boys are basically just hanging around the house. Poor Chris.

In other news, I was busy as all get-out Friday, and Saturday I was as well. But Friday, I woke up to Thor vomiting blood. Not just once, but 3 times. I bagged a sample, loaded him up, and took him to the vet. Thankfully, this happened during normal business hours ;)
Still don't know what it was, but he also had bloody diarreah, so he stayed the night at the vet's office. The next morning, I picked him up first thing in the morning, and was greeted with a million and one pills to give him. Great. He hates pills.
And one of them is 4 pills, 3 times a day! Holy crap! But those are done now, thank goodness. We now just have a powder that goes in his food for 30 days, and another set of pills that are only 2, twice a day, so not bad.
He's fine now, and finally eating his food. (as of today that is) The cost this time? Only $300, as opposed to the $1600 that it cost us for Tank to go to the er vet. Bah.

Saturday morning I went to a baby shower for La's sister-in-law. It was weird going to a party at La's house, and not working! *lol*
It's looking like I might end up watching Bella during the week days, as things are not so good with her mom and her step dad with her mom being up here 4-5 days a week, and not at home in Austin. But we'll see.

I had to leave early from the baby shower, as I had committed to being at Elfsea's Springfair to a number of people.
So I headed out to the site.
It took me almost 2 freaking hours to get there!!! I didn't care for the site to be honest, but it was good to try a new site. :)
I got changed when I got there, in a wonderful pirate-themed outfit! Yes, there are 2 events that I can be as silly as I want to be, and that is Glaslyn Defender with the monkeys, and Elfsea's Springfair with the pirate theme. :) I'm hoping someone got a picture, but if not, I'll hav eto put it on and have John take a picture of me to post. :) It was a truely sweet outfit :)
Both silly, and mostly period. Spanish Ren top over a white chemise. The Spanish ren was made of black fabric with lots of skull and crossbones all over it. Hehehehe. Then, a handkercheif skirt, with a bottom layer of red lace, top one black lace that from afar looked like it had skulls and cross bones on it! (it didn't but it was so cool!!!). I also have a black felt hat that I tied a ribbon through one side to bring up like a pirate's hat, but instead of feathers, I put one of the fox tails I bought at GW on it. The red one.

So I was decked out! Looked awesome ;)

But I was feeling like ass. lady_eliz and count_gunthar left early...well, kinda...they left after court because A's head decided it wasn't done with the migraine it'd given her earlier in the morning.
I was all over the place with Druinne, and I can't say I didn't enjoy it. She makes me laugh, and has a lot of geeky heraldry knowledge, as well as some pretty damn funny stories. ;) I have to admit, I love her and Dare. And the Lunky Monkey is a sweety, too. :)

lady_katheryn was made a protege? Apprentice? I can't ever keep it straight between Laurel's and Pelican's. But she is studying under Don Robin and Mistress Serena (Pelicans). She was taken at Elfsea. I wish she felt better to enjoy it more. :(
She's been sick. BTW, did you eat woman? You worry me.

Went to Cracker Barrel with Ali and Lela, and it was good. Just wish I felt better.
Got home, and bed was a welcome sight!

Sunday, we went to Carol and Wayne's. I almost didn't go because I felt so bad, but decided that missing my first WW meeting after a full week would be bad. So I got up and went.
My reward? I lost 5 pounds last week.
I would be more excited, but in all reality, I bounce 20 pounds like other people bounce 2-3 pounds. So When I get below 290, I'll start being a little more excited about the loss.
But until then, meh. *shrug*
At least this will make my surgeon's happy later on, as it shows "commitment" to weight loss.
Again, meh. Been down this road before. But I'm open to the experience, as this time is a little different, as I have "buddies" to do it with.

I know I am missing a bunch of stuff, but this is just the cursory, I think I'll try and refine things later.

Sorry I haven't been around! Been a busy 4 days!!!

thor, sca, ww, friends, garb, chris, sick, sister

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