You know what I really, really don't have time for right now?

Nov 29, 2012 09:35

... Reading the new Dresden Files book. Which still didn't stop me from staying up 'til 3 a.m. doing exactly that. (Sleep. Who needs it.)

I'm halfway through the book, and NOT READING ANY MORE 'til lunchtime, but I have a (spoilery) comment on the part read so far.

... well, actually a *squeeflail*. *squees* *flails*

So, all the reunions that I DIDN'T get in "Ghost Story", that I was all looking forward to, because Butcher usually delivers in quite a satisfactory way on the fangirl-fodder? Having been disappointed once, I went into this book with relatively low expectations, AND THEN I GOT EVERYTHING I WAS HOPING FOR AND MORE.

Harry: Nononowaitaminuteit'sreallymeACK! *strangles*
Molly: Oh good, you found each other.
Thomas: ......... *drops Harry*
Molly: *empathywallop* Oh ... wow, that is a lot of emotion, most of it bad. I think I'll go lay down. Somewhere far away.
Thomas: .........
Harry: Thomas. Looking hot as always.
Thomas: Dresden, you're a lying sack of shit.
Harry: ... er, harsh. But probably true. *rallies* In my defense, I was turning into a monster and just wanted to protect all of you by getting myself killed.
Thomas: A monster huh? Like, oh, I don't know, ME?
Harry: .... hoshit. *feels about two inches high*
Thomas: Dresden, you're a lying, INSENSITIVE sack of shit.
Harry: ... yeah, I'm starting to agree.
Thomas: I hate you forever. Jerk.
Harry: I sort of hate me too.

... pretty much exactly like that. :D

This book has been the Thomas + Harry snarkfest that I have been desperately missing since Turn Coat (temporarily) put an end to it. I have missed this so much! And there is also awesomesauce Molly, and we just got Murphy, and ... okay, I really need to go do ACTUAL WORK and not natter on about this book, because assuming it stays strong to the end (and nobody important dies) this is rapidly shaping up to be one of my favorite books in the series.

Please do not spoil me for the second half of the book! Especially if anything major happens. Work to do! Aarghhelp!

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