Bullet dodged

Aug 06, 2021 14:26

So today I found out by way of
snickfic what happens in the final installment of Trollhunters, and HOMG, I'm glad I dropped out of having feelings for that show a while back.

So basically they went Full Endgame, with a big apocalyptic finale that involves killing a bunch of characters (including Strickler and Nomura, my two favorite redeemed villains) and THEN Jim goes back in time to the very beginning of the show and resets everything so that nothing that happened in canon actually happened.


Choices were made, for sure.

I mean ... who thinks it's a good idea to cap off a kid's cartoon franchise with a big finale apocalypse and reset button?!

I'm glad in retrospect that my good feelings about the show stopped at the end of the first arc. (Actually slightly before the end of the first arc; I really disliked aspects of the way it wrapped up.) It stands on its own pretty well, so I can just go on having good feelings about that and completely ignore anything that happened after.
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