Title: Random Junseung Doodle
shohai_mizukiPairing: Junseung (Junhyung/ Hyunseung)
Rating: G
Author's Notes: So I know you guys are probably ready with your pitchforks to attack me for not updating this week. Hopefully I can distract you with my fail Junseung art, if it can even be called art. Haha! Enjoy? Haha!
It's the same doodle, just that I took two pictures. XD
Author's Notes: As for the fic, the 3rd chapter is half-way through. Please be patient with me. I'm still on a high from my group winning 3rd place at the contest. Not to mention I have two exams coming up. I will be replying to your comments soon. So don't think I've ignored you all. :) No, I will not give up on the fic. I don't think that's quite possible. :) But I need your cooperation. And that would be bearing with me. I sometimes may not be able to update weekly like right now. Hopefully, you guys won't stab me with knives. Haha! So yes, the update shall be within the week. And if you guys get lucky, I might update with two chapters! :D
As a general reply to all you readers (I will still reply to you one-by-one OwO), THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND LOVE! I'll continue to do my best and give you a fic worth your time and effort! :)