
May 25, 2008 05:29

More a brother than my own,
you were a holey motherfucker 
with your piercings and your  giant steel balls and your chains
You were a pastey pale white cocksucker
with enough nigger jokes for all
and fuck it kinda way about you that made you seem invincible
God i wish you were

Remember that time we searched the couch for change 
enough for a pack of Maverick menthol 100's
Cuz i liked the box, it was black with some shiny green
or the time thompson hit his head on that air duct behind speens
Remember what a dick you could be
and how no one ever stayed irritated with you for long
How about that time you set my head on fire 
leaving me forever this burnt in bald spot at the front of my head

That night you passed out in your own vomit on my front lawn
i remember that, i hosed you down, after i'd kicked you and you didn't move 
you woke up that time
why not today.
can i wake up?
can i open my eyes and see you in front of me
can i close them again and hear you make fun of me
or someone else?

You were more my brother than my own
you are missed.
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