25th Shoe of Baileys - Action

Aug 04, 2011 19:23

[It is too damn hot in the summer, especially for freaky fishmen. Clearly, Old Gregg needs to do something to remedy this. And do so, he shall.]

A. Old Gregg Digs a Damn Big Hole in his front lawn

[For the residents of Albright Lane, feel free to notice your neighbor at 1651 has decided to start digging an enormous hole in the front lawn. For any sane being, this would be tiring work, but not for Old Gregg! And he is just dressed in his best. Literally. His best. That actually looks to be a fairly nice dress he's wearing.

Occasionally, he takes a break from his digging to pick up a piece of lipstick he's left on the cosmetics tray beside the hole and take a bite out of it. And sometimes, he offers the stick to what appears to be a large, purple medicine ball with a face and teats all over it.

Seriously. What the hell is that thing?]

B. Old Gregg Discovers Ice Cream

[To help cool off, Old Gregg has discovered the wonders of ice cream. Sitting on one of the benches in the park, he's holding a vanilla ice cream cone in his hand, pondering at it for a moment. He can't even remember the last time he tried to eat ice cream. But it's rich and creamy looking, so he takes a big old lick of it.

And immediately looks disappointed. Very disappointed. So disappointed, in fact, that he's just gonna throw that shitty old cone away.

And possibly at you.]

1651 albright lane, ice cream isn't baileys, !ic, i'm old gregg!!, !mayfield

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