Английские и американские порядки на атомных лодках

Mar 28, 2021 08:23

Реактор на ручном управлении.

Чернобыль как производная английской культуры -- идеологии.

Should there be a disaster then there is the “battle short switch”. The safety system on the reactor has a 2 out of 3 logic system. ie if two of the three safety circuits detect a problem the reactor is “scrammed” (the control rods are driven into the reactor, stopping the nuclear reaction continuing). If you are sinking, the last thing you want is the reactor to shut down (as happened I believe twice to USN SMs). This effectively takes away your propulsion and electrical system. The engineers, on the order from the Officer of the Watch, can “make the battle short switch” which effectively bypasses the safety overrides so the reactor continues to produce power allowing you to go “full ahead, 20 up, blow forward, blow aft” and allow a happy outcome to the situation.

Призывники неровным строем.

То, за что сейчас принято советскую власть с высокой аварийностью под водой в США порицать.

To those who are overly impressed with their own education and training, the most unusual thing is that (as Fred mentioned) you have a reactor plant, propulsion plant, and associated machinery that’s being operated by pretty young people, most of whom have little or no (non-military) education beyond high school. Not only that, but other enlisted folks are operating and interpreting the sonar, running Fire Control, feeding information to Control, and actually launching the weapons if it comes to that.

* * *

I think that the most unusual thing about a nuclear submarine, is that the major nuts and bolts of this gigantic miracle of modern engineering is driven, operated, maintained by a bunch of high school graduates. Kids.

Granted, all the officers have degrees, but all the enlisted scum are just high school graduates with a bunch of vocational training.


ужасы американщины, квора, лодки, англичанка гадит

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