Title: Even With the Summer Heat
Pairing: James May / Richard Hammond
Summary: James' shed is his comfort zone.
Warnings: None
blacktofadeRating: PG
A/N: This has not been beta'd, so feel free to point out mistakes/offer concrit.
Word Count: 212
Disclaimer: I am not associated with Top Gear or any of its affiliates. I don't mean any harm, this is all made up.
Even with the summer heat, James still locked himself up inside his shed, which was exactly where Richard found him.
"Oi, Queen Shedley, come out and greet the commoners," he shouted with his hands cupped around his mouth to carry the sound.
James emerged a few moments later, covered in grease and sweat.
"Oh it's you," he said, almost turning to head back inside his comfort zone as he mumbled the words. Before he could turn the whole way around, Richard had grasped his arm to halt his movements.
"Come on, James, you can't hide in there all the time."
"Why shouldn't I? It's my shed," James argued. For a moment Richard paused and looked at him with hurt eyes.
"I-I just want to spend some time with you, like old times." His mouth curved into a smile at the memories and he could see James seriously considering his options. James took a step further away from the shed and Richard knew he had convinced him. He let go of the other man's arm and turned to head into the air-conditioned house. He never caught James looking at the spot on his arm where Richard had once held onto him, and he never caught the small smile that appeared on James' face.