Aug 24, 2009 11:17

Okay! This is important, everyone!

The other day, we all had a meeting in the high school. A lot of things were discussed, an' I filled in for people listenin' over their communicators. So, to finish up that job, I'm gonna summarize everything for whoever missed it, or just didn't pay close attention because of all the sandwiches. I'll probably miss a coupla things, so feel free to correct me.

• Everyone is looking to build some kinda "chip removal safehouse." In other words, a place that people with strong powers can go to rest during their week of out-of-control, so that we don't have people hurt or killed... or earthquakes, again. A couple of us have powers that can work like this, but we also might need some construction done. Eh, no one's really leader of this.

• The Police Force is here to help! And, is recruiting. There are two cute girls in charge of public relations, and, the police would prefer it if instead of people complainin' about them, they took their complaints to them... or something. Also, they wanted to point out that they aren't anyone's leaders. I went an' checked! If you wanna join the police force, the leader, Arisato Minato-kun, has an application here. And, if you have any other comments or questions, you can leave them with any of the police officers or with the PR person here.

• We're working on putting together a guide to Discedo, for newcomers. Things like monsters, safe housing, chips, and where to get food and supplies, as well as an official greeting party. A few people offered to help putting it all together. I know Gracia-chan was one of them, who else? Anyway, please help them with this, or join in. Also, a nice girl named Patchouli Knowledge has made an introductory guide, like we used to have, and it's right here. Please contribute to it!

• Here's some good news! According to Team Electricity (I don't know if they have an official name), the High School and maybe also Latimir should have electricity again by the end of the month. They didn't say anything about the other buildings, but even that's great.

• Demyx wanted everyone to know that he's struggling a bit with the water supplies. For new people, we don't have running water like most cities do; our water comes from people with water magic. He asked people to ration their water usage a little, and wants to get water towers or something like that built, to take the strain off of him. People with construction skills, please help with this!

• And, Miss Yorda wanted everyone to know that food is short. Grown food, I mean, not outta plants. She wants to get the park clean for that reason, too, and a bigger greenhouse. Basically, it looks like we need a pretty big "construction team" at some point, at least if we want fruits and vegetables.

• As well, there's some talk about creating a building and reconstruction team, to clean up and rebuild things like the top floor of Latimir, Marshall, and so on. General repairs, I guess? I guess we're really lookin' for people who can build stuff! Also kinda related to this, some people wanna clean up Horizon Park, make it safe, so that people can play in it. I didn't know that was it's name, but it's the park right by the Church.

• Another team everyone kinda likes is an emergency response team. In case there's another earthquake like last month... I think the police kinda did that last time? But, something like this would be great.

• Finally, just as a reminder, for the people who don't know and the people who are new, Discedo has a couple of nice resources in the high school for people. The Inventory Club is run by Miss Moa and we keep a pretty good supply of clothes, blankets, and some canned food. And in the cafeteria, a few times a week Miss Nani runs a free meal thing, which anyone can come to. There's also the Northern Lights, Shinjiro Aragaki's bar, which is also a restaurant... but you have to pay to eat there usually. For people who like to help, there are a few different supply teams to join. There are also lots of classes and... eh, other things. I guess that will all go in the guide?

Okay, I think that's about everything. Or, that's everything I can remember. If anyone knows more, tell me and I'll edit it in to all this, I guess? This is just a summary of what everyone else said; I'm not personally running any of these things, so if you guys know who is, I can add that in, too. I'll be like a matchmaker.

I did my best as Chancellor!

[ ooc: the meeting is/was here and is still completely open for comments; don't hesitate to join in! i'll do my best to edit this summary based on what goes up there; this is just so that everything is available as ic-knowledge. ]

patchouli knowledge, apparently the town crier?, saber, putting his loudness to good use, keeping busy, tl;dr, riou, he can be serious sometimes, aragaki shinjiro

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