Title: Now Hollow Fires
Fandom/Pairing: BBC Sherlock, Sherlock/John, some angry!Holmescest only if you have high-def slash goggles
Rating: R for very brief sex scenes
Word count: 1,756
Summary: John gets nosey about Sherlock's past relationships. Mycroft gets nosey about John. Sherlock tries to cling to what he has.
Warnings: Re-purposed snippets of Judeo-Christian legend; sex, BDSM, bloodplay, cursing, Evil!Mycroft.
Notes: Sequel to
So Sound You Sleep,
One Balm For Many Fevers and
Those Blue Remembered Hills.
Teaser: Mycroft looked at him through slitted eyes. ‘Man cannot live by bread alone, brother.’
‘Lovely, you know your scriptures! I’m not a man, Mycroft,’ Sherlock replied. ‘I simply prefer this shape over others I could assume.’
‘Quite true, but John is very much like bread.’ Mycroft twirled his umbrella, looking up at the gathering clouds above them. ‘Wholesome. Malleable.’ His eyes flashed red. ‘Easily crushed.’
Read it over at my journal!