Title: Those Blue Remembered Hills
Fandom/Pairing: BBC Sherlock, mentions of Sherlock/John pre-slash, Holmescest only if you have high-def slash goggles
Rating: PG-13 for ideologically sensitive material
Word count: 2,194
Summary: Sherlock and his brother Fall, find new purpose in life, and drift apart. Sherlock can't help but break rules, especially since Mycroft keeps making new ones.
Warnings: Re-purposed snippets of Judeo-Christian legend, brief talk of sex, a secondary character dies.
Notes: Sequel to
So Sound You Sleep and
One Balm For Many Fevers.
Teaser: Mycroft shook his head. ‘That is a sure path to destruction, brother. Keep your observations to yourself.’
Sherlock could never keep his observations to himself.
Read it over at my journal!