Apr 17, 2007 21:08
On April 16, 2007, a 23 year old resident alien Korean shot and killed 32 people then killed himself, bringing the total to 33. At least 26 were injured, 4 critically.
Why? Nobody knows yet. Guess he was just that angry. The first two people he killed were his ex-girlfriend and her boyfriend in a dorm room. He fled the scene, leading authorities to believe that the incident was a domestic dispute.
Domestic dispute? Sure, it’s plausible. I could believe that. Then what happened?
He loaded up. Almost two hours after the first shooting, an e-mail was sent out to the teachers and staff on campus talking about what had happened and explaining that the dorm was locked down after the incident.
Then what? Nothing. A gunman was loose in the school area and nothing else was locked down, students were not released or warned.
Earlier in the year, a prisoner escaped from the hospital after killing an attendant and a pursuing cop and the school was locked down because the gunman was in the area. Well, two people were actually killed on campus and the gunman was loose- why was the campus not locked down again?
After Columbine and all of the other school shootings that have happened the past 10 years, people forget so easily the threat of a maddened mind.
About 15 minutes after the e-mail was sent, the gunman entered the class center, padlocked the doors from the inside so people could not escape, he started killing again.
Funny thing- on his way to the building, he called the cops and made a bomb threat about the building he was going to- mind you, this was the third one in two months.
This was a planned event. This man knew what he was doing when he walked in. He was prepared with gun clips and rounds of ammo strapped to himself and his belt. He wanted to kill. He systematically went in to the classes and shot. He had no expression on his face, no words were said, and no noises were made when he tried to get into one class who had tried to hold the door shut.
What is the administration supposed to tell the parents, friends, lovers of the dead? “Sorry everyone. We thought it was just a domestic dispute and he ended up leaving after anyways. It’s not like we thought he could come back and kill more people or anything. Our bad. Whoops.”
Ridiculous. How does a person get so much anger in their heart? I understand that he is in a different country and all, he might miss home, he must have had a bad relationship with his ex-girlfriend to want to kill her, and he was hurting. But why? Why kill so many people? Misery must love company. He’ll have miserable company forever with the way that he ended it. He will be in anger and misery forever.
To anyone who feels this hopeless and angry to kill people or even hurt people in such a manner- seek help. For the love of all that is good, get help! By doing something like this, the anger and hurt only spreads and it will never get better or end.
How sad. 33 people dead and more hurt all because someone was too angry, someone was too hurt.
I am just appalled by this. I don’t understand- and maybe it is not for me to understand, maybe it is just another one of those wake up calls that will affect a lot of people, but only few will remember.
People complain about stories going on forever in the news. I don’t think it is a bad idea at all to keep everything in the news. People need to remember what has happened to keep it from happening again. People need to remember the past to help create a better future.
You know, I think people will get on with their lives like normal eventually. People will forgive as people do. My hope is that they will all forgive- but that nobody will forget.
One of the girls who knew the shooter said, “My friends and I would always joke about him and say that we were just waiting for him to do something, or waiting to hear about something he did. And when I got the call that it was him, I cried, bawled. I had to tell myself that there was no way of knowing that this could have happened”.
I’m sorry- if you can even joke about a person like that, then you need to report it. How dumb can people be? How angry can people be? This is a perfect example of human ignorance, stupidity, and anger.