May 02, 2010 16:34
Member of the Wizengamot pinpointed for attack on ministry; war continues
Former and Current Minister working in tandem to clean out the Ministry
Harvey Dent has stepped down, but he is not forgotten. Despite the fact that the former Minister is in mourning and refusing public appearances, Dent has been assisting Minister West and has made it his personal mission to flush out corruption in the Ministry. According to the statement issued by the Ministry, Dent was at the forefront in uncovering the true nature of Ambrose Renatus, a prominent Member of the Wizengamot who was known for his outspoken demands for stricter giant and vampire legislation. In light of the information released that he was a major figure in the Attack on the Ministry a month and a half ago, it is likely that his former accomplishments will be overshadowed. Renatus was directly involved with planning which areas of the Ministry the Death Eaters would strike, as well as ferrying the dark wizards into the underground building.
The former Wizengamot member has been sentenced to life in Azkaban, with the Ministry additionally deliberating on whether the Dementor's Kiss would be appropriate. In an account released by Harvey Dent himself, Dent found the punishment mild considering the loss of life and the blow to the wizarding community. Minister West could not be found for comment, however West seems to be putting his efforts into what lies ahead. The Head of Magical Law Enforcement, James Gordon stated that Aurors have been more proactive in their efforts to defeat Dark Wizards as opposed to the more passive method of relying on damage limitation. These efforts have had mixed results, however, and it is as yet unknown when this war will end.
daily prophet