-[major updates*

Dec 20, 2004 17:55

Jenna picked me up and we met Nick at Valara's. Franki, Benny, Louis, T [Travis], Josh and Maddie were there. me and ben were talking and T called me in the room to show me what the slut Maddie did to Josh - he yet again cheated on my girl Theresa the same way both times!! me, Jenna, Nick and Franki went to Flagship to see Saw. such a good movie! franki was such a sweetheart! he was sayin something about how he's gonna have one more kid and how i'm gonna have it. i am so lucky he loves me bc i actually got him to go to the movies. he looked at me and was like "ya know what i realized about you?" i was like "what?" he said "you love to cuddle. thats not a bad thing at all. its what i love most about you." ugh he makes me so happy. for all the times he's let me down this past weekend - he's made up for it all. =D he is such a sweetheart. i mean sure he may fuck around with me and be an "asshole" but 99% of the time he's joking around about it. like when the semi was mentioned and he asked who i was going with and i told him that i was going with him, he laughed and said he cant be seen with me bc i will ruin his image. but he always tells me its worth it and its always worth it when we're together. After the movie we went back to Valara's for a little - Ben, Allie, T, Louis & the slut were there. Ben came over and sat next to me on the couch and Franki looked like he was gonna kill him. Allie was lit off her muthafuckin ass. as we were leaving guess who walks in! no one other than the fucking bitch ass slut [yeh there's 2 sluts around us all] Jen! i wanted to punch that whore right then and there! omg i cant believe Ben told Franki that he likes me!

Sean picked me up from school. i worked from 5-close. Sean came to see me. Franki called me at the store and told me he was gonna go see me when he was done laundry - yeh that never happened. i went on break even though i shouldnt of had one but i didnt feel good so Effie let me take one. Sean bought me ice cream! =D Franki called when i got back from break and told me that when i called him - before i went on break - that he was getting pulled over so he couldnt answer the phone. he told me he was gonna leave his house and come and see me - yeh that never happened either - i called him when i got home and he was at the club already =/ oh well nothing i can do about it. he wants me to move in with him but idk if i definately will this summer bc i was talking to Tinkerbell and we're probably gonna get an apt. this summer!

i had to work 7-3 then me and Jenna finally finished out Theology paper. we went shopping. we went to Franki's bc Ben and Allie were there so we hung out with them for a little bit till Franki got there. he walks in and oh yeh didnt say onr fucking word to me! didnt even look at me for the first 10 minutesz he was there. me and Jenna left and he called me at 11:30, the first thing he said to me was «whats your problem tonight?» i cannot believe he had the nerve to ask me that! if he wasnt so fucking irrespoinsible and loose a G [not talking about money] then he wouldnt have to deal with me being pissed off! so i left and usually he walks me out to my car, gives me a hug and a kiss, and says i love you -yeh none of that happened - he walked me outside and stood on the stairs and said bye - so bullshit about that but whatever. he said he'd call me back in a little later on - yep never called - im gettin use to it though

worked 9:30-3:30 but got out at 2:30 bc we were dead. called Sean and he came down to the mall and we went shopping. Franki said he was gonna stop by and see me at work or call me at 3:30 - neither happened.

was at school for one class bc my eye looked like i took a pen and stabbed myself! franki came over and we just layed in my bed - had an eye apt at 2, had to work 5-close bc people at my work are gay and wouldnt cover for me!

- school
- no hair apt. with Sarah
+ Franki's 4:30-7:30 » best time.. 3 hours just laying in his bed listening to music. he even lit candles =D

- Practice
+ Franki came over
+ mall with Jenna and Ben

- work 5-close
+ Theresa, Allie and Tylor came to see me
+ Franki came to see me =D

+ mall with Jenna and Ben
+ Franki and Louis came to see me - they were lit as hell

- ACT's
+ hair with Miss Sarah Marie Oliver
+ T's to pick up Benny
+ mall with Benny and Jenna
+ Jenna's
+ Franki's
+ Home
+ back to T's
- Tylor's
+++++ semi!!
+ Franki was so cute - he kept sayin ur lucky i love you and he said every minute with you is worth it

- eye apt
+++ 1 month

+ noon dismissal
- practice 12-2
+ Franki and Mike stopped by

- eye apt
+ hockey game
+- mike brought me home

+ first game vs. BG at 7:30
++ we won!
+ Ben went to the game
----- got in a huuuuuge fight with Frnki - first fight we're gotten in

- work 7-12
+ went to Tylor's to see Franki
+- Franki acted like everything was fine
+-? he said i love you for the 1st time since friday
+ pool with Paige, Kelly, Ben, Mike and Kaitlyn
++++++++++++++++++++++ me & Ben started going out
+ went to Theresa's with Ben and Mike
+ got home at 1:30

- work 11:30-8
+ left at 1:30
- only because i was sick - my face was green
+ Franki said i love you twice today! haha he's getting back to himself! =D

++ didnt go to school
- sick
+++ Franki's getting more and more like he use to be everyday! he actually wanted to see me today but it didnt happen
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