whatta weekend

Nov 29, 2004 20:09

after work on Friday - me, Jenna and Paige went to Franki's thinking we were all gonna do something - yeh that came crashing down when he completely ignored me. was a baby about it and started crying. how bad is it when you start crying when the one person that makes you more uncomfortable is there? not to mention when your boyfriend doesnt care but his best friend does? yeh so Ben told me to just leave and gave me a hug and wouldnt let go of me. we finally left and went to LC and saw *C h a r l i e* ugh whatta hottie! haha miss that kid bunches. anyways so after that we had to bring Paige home. saturday me and Jenna hung out with Ben. we went to the mall and Franki yet again ignored me so we left and went bowling. after we brought Ben home we went home and watched the girl next door till franki called and i did nothing but yell at him for 45 minutes but he was still an asshole. sunday me and Jenna woke up at 11:30 and went to Dunkin's then the mall. i worked 1-6. around 9:20 i went to franki's bc he wanted to talk, so we talked then me and Ben went to Jenna's. watched the girl next door and hung out. ugh i love Ben he always makes me laugh - even when i dont want to. i brought Ben home but went the longest way bc we were talking and when we got home i had to bring fucknuts Franki to Valara's to get something then home. yeh didnt get home till 12:40 and my mom killed me. Now i really wanna move in with Franki, Ben, Allie and Valara. Today Franki stopped by without calling and that made me happy - till i found out why he was over. he needed backs to his earrings bc 4 guys robbed him. now my baby is walkin around with his cross but without his chain, with marks all on his neck from them ripping his chain off, with a huge cut on his wrist, and a black eye. but yet he was strong and was still standing after it all and didnt fight back. good thing too bc there was mad cops there and if he did anything infront of the cops he'd be in jail right now and i'd have to kill him.

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