Jul 14, 2008 14:06
Aunt Helena and I are having a lovely time already and she took me "yard saling" on Saturday, which I had never done before if you can believe that. She has an eye for little things that might be worth money that the sellers think is just regular knick-knacks and it's fun watching her shop. She has a little change purse with about $20 in it and she said once that $20 was gone we were done shopping and she stuck to her word. I got a cute little basket to keep my remote controls in that has trim that perfectly matches my sofa. Sometimes it's the little things that can make you happy!
I miss the Bachelorette tv show already. I watched the whole season and was so shocked by who Deanna chose, I thought for sure she was going to pick Jason who seemed like a great catch. He was so sad that I just wanted to hug him, plus he's so cute, so I would probably hug him longer than necessary. Call me Jason! lol haha! Now I am ready for a new season but I guess I have to wait until the fall. I won't be surprised at all if the next bachelor ended up being one of the guys Deanna turned away, either Jason or Jeremey would be good as far as I'm concerned.
My next door neighbor is mowing his lawn again. I swear he mows that yard every other day, it doesn't even have time to grow. Helena thinks he uses yard work as an excuse to get away from his wife and she may have something there because we can hear her shouting at night and she sounds like some kind of banshee. Bella's ears always perk up a little when she hears it but then she just lays her head back down like oh they are at it again, lol haha.
I start my new job in sales on Monday and I'm really excited about it. Nervous too, of course but I will enjoy getting to meet so many new people and developing relationships with my customers. I will have a budget to take clients out to lunch so that will be interesting because I always just ate an apple for lunch before but now I will be having full meals. I think I will be gaining some weight with this job but anyway Helena's cooking was going to pack some pounds on me so I guess what is a few more. Bella doesn't care how big my rear end gets lol haha!
Hope everyone is having a blessed day.