Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Rape Axe. This was invented by a woman in South Africa to combat the rape epidemic. I often read in letters I get from Amnesty International that there are some parts of the world where rape is so common that women walk around with condoms in their pocket in order to beg their attackers to wear them so that they don't get HIV. The woman who invented this device spent years working on it after being deeply affected by a rape victim she treated who cried "if only I had teeth down there".
The Rape Axe is a condom-like device with sharp barbs that is disguised inside a woman like a tampon (but she doesn't feel any pain), and if she gets raped, it attaches itself PAINFULLY to the penis of the rapist and can only be surgically removed. The rapist will be distracted by the pain, which gives the victim time to escape. It also protects her from disease and pregnancy. DNA will link her to the attacker, and since the bastard has no choice but to go to a hospital, the doctors will inform the police. And even if the bastard doesn't recieve justice from the law (many of these places have very crooked governments), he does recieve a shitload of pain and permanent scars.
Some people have said it's a pretty medieval and cruel device. I say that anyone who tries to rape someone deserves to have their dick not only injured, but cut off completely.
Some people think that bitchy and vindictive women are going to use this to get back at their ex-boyfriends. I suppose it's a possibility, but right now it's being handed out to really poor areas of the world where women are married at the age of 13 and walk the streets terrified that they'll be attacked. I don't think those women have time to be bitchy and vindictive.