I'll admit that in the past I've been a nasty, they weren't kidding when they called me well a witch

Oct 17, 2006 10:38

Why am I updating? Because I have twenty minutes til my first lecture and I can't think of anything to do. So I'm gonna do my stupid dotpoint thing.

-At the moment I am utterly hooked on the latest storyline for Penny and Aggie.
-I stayed up late having innapropriate conversations with Eliza about our slightly sexy guest lecturer The Chad. I think David Tennant and his kilt came into the conversation somewhere.
-It was Jade's play last night and I COULDN'T GO. I feel like such a crap friend. She said it went really well.
-I was watching the first X-men movie this morning while eating my breakfast and I realised I always laugh my arse off when Wolverine flirts with Jean Grey. "Couldn't wait to get my shirt off again, eh?"
-I finally own the Little Mermaid on DVD. MY LIFE IS COMPLETE.
-I miss Brittany.
-I can't wait until all my assignments are over and I can go out without any guilt. I really want to go to the movies as I haven't been in ages.

Crapola, I just remembered now, I have to borrow about fifty books for the history essay that's due on Friday! Aye Carumba!

uni, britt, friends

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