
Oct 16, 2016 21:47

Leaving work sucked and was amazing all in one. It sucked because no one gave a shit for the most part and I can't help but feel a little bit hurt by that. Otherwise, it's been so so nice to not be working. I need to go back and do some shifts to make up the difference in money but right now it's so good and freeing without it.

My degree is a LOT of group work. Pros and cons again- I work harder in group work. When I am held accountable by an outside force (rather than just myself) I work SO much harder. I still could be working harder, but nothing is graded yet, so I'm trying to just learn and grow. Create new habits and get things done early. Cons- at least one of my groups is really awkward. It also has the person who is most vocal about how much the group work sucks. There are lots of fresh postgrads who are young and don't like how we're basically researching and teaching each other the course, and not having lectures. They are full of panic. I want to tell them to get some perspective. I won't though- not yet.

Other than the panic, everyone on my course is pretty nice- there's 32 of us and 10 are Irish. 3 are male students. I suppose for therapeutic jobs that's about right. It's intimidating being the oldest and the biggest though. I am pretty accepting of who I am these days but I am very very aware of it around these girls. Hopefully I can use it as a feeling for progress and power rather than anxiety and fear. Luckily I will have a lot of CBT training to help me there ;)

Money is tight and it scares me but it's two years, and we've done it before. NHS pay banding for OTs is not as bright as US prospects, but I don't know if I would want to move back to the US. The election cycles would probably kill me. But double pay would be amazing.
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