Oct 21, 2008 18:25
Having 2nd thoughts about the house, but only because I've spent the last 2 days with my in-laws who have a habit of being pessimists. I would love the space that place offers but some stuff is a bit on the dodgy side.
The reason I've spent the past 2 days with the in-laws is because we finally got a new boiler, which was being installed. It was easier to get out of the house than to deal with Claire while it was being installed, but I just get so worn out from being away from my house- not being able to relax like I'd like, feeling jumpy, and that combined with the talk about the new place just makes me ill at ease.
Anyway, that ill at ease feeling multiplied upon returning home, where the new boiler is already not working. Awesome. And, he's done with the job (though has left a hole in the wall where the old one was, so who knows when we'll get him back here. He stayed until 6:45 tonight to finish it all up, so it's not for lack of work on his part I don't think, unless he was rushing it at the end.
I'm just so tired, I want to take a bath, I want to relax and cry and sleep and gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
At least if we moved the whole no heat thing would be a lot fucking easier to deal with.