"Livin' in the big machine now..."

Aug 01, 2007 06:01

Hey there LJ Avatards (and other cool people)! Some of you might know me as Shizuma from ASN, LiveVideo, and Flaming Knives; others might know me as the lame wannabe artist ShizumasLover at deviantART. (But, most likely, you don't know me at all . ^_^ )

Anyway, I finally broke down and created an LJ for several reasons, most of which involve smut and/or shipping in one way or another. I won't disturb you with the finer details, but just know that this journal will probably be mainly used for spazzing out about Avatar and posting fanfics. I might occasionally make icons or post shoddy fanart, but I might also not do much of anything on here at all. XD
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