Aug 03, 2008 17:30

Just when I think I'm coming along nicely in my studying, I start to come across things like this.

Firstly, they're changing the JLPT. Starting in 2010, a mere two years from now, there are going to be five levels instead of 4. Mainly, they're just putting a new one between 3kyuu and 2kyuu, but they're also revising 1kyuu "to address the need to measure abilities more advanced than those targeted by the current Level 1 test." Oh goody.

Secondly, THEY ARE ADDING TO THE JOUYOU KANJI wtf. The Japanese Ministry of Education is adding 188 characters to the general use kanji. They're also taking 5 away (銑, 錘, 勺, 匁, and 脹, Yomiuri Online sees fit to tell me, but offers no such list of the added characters), but still... now the magic number is 2128. And I, like the Japanese grade-schoolers from 2010 onwards, will just have to cram harder to be considered literate.

Sometimes I wanna just go bury my head in the sand.


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