using a green magic marker if it's all right

Jul 29, 2008 21:32

I finally got around to watching Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog and have since had this song continuously stuck in my head. Cool Nerd points if you know why without a hint. It was pretty cool, though I have trouble with Nathan Fillion being the idiot, for some reason...

I got some studying done today, even though I couldn't sleep last night and spent most of today laying about with a stomach ache and headache and feeling generally cruddy. I decided to actually finally sit down and read the book about vegetarianism (in Japanese) that I bought at Crayon House in Omote-sando a year and a half ago, because it's good for learning vocab in context. I'm learning a lot of Japanese words for which I don't know what the English equivalent means, but when I look that up, it turns out it was pretty transparent due to the kanji. Example #1: 高尿酸血症 = hyperuricemia = too much uric acid in the blood. Example #2: 腸管出血性大腸菌 = enterohemorrhagic E. coli. Those are examples of things a vegetarian diet can prevent or treat, in case you were wondering.

Also, according to Kanji Box, I basically know the JLPT 1kyuu kanji. I'm not sure I believe it, but I /am/ having to write down the readings of fewer and fewer kanji when I write new words in my vocab notebook, which is very encouraging.

I work tomorrow 8-4 and then I have the first class of the translation half of my BCC class. I probably work Thursday and Friday too, but Sheri, as usual, is mid-crisis and cannot manage to finish this week's schedule until the week is over. Thursday night is Meetup, but anyone want to hang out with me on Friday (evening) or this weekend?


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