Aug 12, 2011 11:48
I just had the most hilarious omake idea....or maybe non-omake idea....for a scene in MSF..
*Reina and Ai are kissing on the couch*
*Riho walks in*
Riho: Mama! *scandalized* Not while I'm here!
Ai: *flustered and separates herself from Reina* Sorry...
Reina: *sits up and scowls* She has the worst timing ever. She's practically like the best contraceptive every invented. D<
Ai: Not that we need one, really...
Reina: *stares flatly at Ai* Look at that kid again and say that to me with a straight face. I dare you.
Ai: *looks* Good point.
XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD This is funny to me because, well, BECAUSE. It's the premise of MSF. Hurhur. Oh god. XD