Title: The Doors of Time
Author: Felisblanco
Status: Complete (424 pages, .pdf format)
Genre: AU, romance, drama/angst, supernatural
Rating: R
Summary (by author): It’s not like he doesn’t try to fit in and make friends, he really does. It just seems like nothing he does is good enough for them. If he smiles they blink. If he speaks they stare. And whenever they see him coming they get this panicked look in their eyes like they want to run away and they don’t even know why.
Jensen knows why. It’s the same thing that makes his dad worry and his mom cry. That makes Nana tell his parents he’s going to Hell, not even caring that he can hear her.
It’s what makes him ‘weird’.
Opinion: This is a Supernatural's AU fanfic, which, like all AU fics everywhere, can be viewed as an original piece. However, I'd imagine that people who were familiar with the TV show would be more appreciative and understanding toward the supernatural aspect of the plot - but hey, even if you don't know the awesomeness of Wincest the Winchesters, you could still love this just fine. I read it a while ago; I remember it was a long and emotional ride. The writing was surprisingly excellent and professional - I was so excited with anticipation after just a couple of chapters. It fleshed out a 3D depth for the characters and made you feel for them. The plot was slow and not that new but not that old either - it could still work if you did it right. The only thing that turned me off was how things progressed near the end. They took on a sadly dragging and/or repetitive routine that sorta wore me out. I was impatient (not in a good, anticipating way) for the story to reach the happy ending it deserved. If the author had cut the excessive denials and hesitation and hang-ups, this story would be just right. That said, it still is a precious piece of work.