Oct 26, 2013 13:08
Wow, it's sure been a long time since I last posted a blog! I'm going to start posting to both LiveJournal and FA, as many of you aren't on LJ any more.
Last winter's farm-sit near Edmonton went fairly well, although it was very time-consuming with 12 animals to look after. Alberta sure is cold in the winter; it dipped down to -35°C occasionally!
Since there were lots of places that I wanted to see in Alberta but couldn't (most were closed in the off-season), I decided to return in August, stopping in to the Furthest North convention on my way. It was a fun trip, and I got to see many of my Alberta furiends. In the end, I decided that while I was so close, I might as well drive up to Yellowknife NWT. The roads up into the territory were quite good, and I stayed at a lovely campground near Fort Providence that was right on the Mackenzie River! I didn't see much wildlife, other than a herd of wild bison grazing along the side of the road, and a fox that caught a squirrel right in the campground.
The rest of the summer was spent living in the RV in the woods, on a property that I was renting. My original intention was to look at buying my own property this year, but between the Alberta trip, my job, and general laziness, that didn't happen.
Realizing that winter is fast approaching, I've found another house-sit... I'll be staying at a nice country home in central Ontario, while the owners spend 5 months in Mexico. It should be much easier than last year, as there are no animals to look after.