Jun 22, 2004 09:09
Turbulent and I saw the blue--knew it for what it was. Slammed down hard on the breaks, so sure that sparks flew.
"The time of plans is gone now, boy", that old man said. That I could have seen an expression there, but so clear his face was in it's surety.
With a step, a turn, and a hauling of myself up like all of time was bearing down on my shoulders, I laid my gaze on that face. And closed my door.
"Come to see me at the end of this road have you?" And that question seemed to hang there in the air for time immemorial.
Like it had reached through my guts that question brought all my moments spent thinking about this time. The knowing eyes bore the question into my soul. That old man was here, at the end of this road, to teach me my faults, in malicious manner. Where I had gone wrong would be shown soon enough.