Title: This Glorious Sadness
Verse: Their Silent Reverie
Genre(s): Angst/Dark, friendship, action/adventure
Chapter Length: 12,000 w (approx; both parts)
Full Length (to date): 24k w (approx)
The Shitennou live, reborn to new lives but haunted by demons of the past. Their task is simple: they must cleanse the Earth of the Moon Princess's taint.
Warnings: dark themes are touched upon, including (perceived) mental disorder, emotional, physical and sexual abuse, death and murder.
Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon and make no profit from this work of fictional fun.
A/N: This will make no sense at all unless you've read
This Sweet Madness, at the very least.
Status: Ongoing
Prologue [Note: this is also the final chapter of Viva La Vida, but it's important enough to reiterate.]
Chapter 1: After the Storm - Keanu (
Part 1) (
Part 2)
Chapter 2: Thistle and Weeds - Nicholas (
Part 1) (
Part 2)
[All links are fake-cuts as they are very, very long. For those who prefer it, there's also an up-to-date
archive on AO3 with all three fics.]