Oct 30, 2009 07:08


Haha, ok, so i have just stayed up all night lurking over at mishaland and watching Misha Collin vids at youtube...like, seriously, i don't even know what brought this on. He's like my new new crack, which is really, just a sub-division of my new crack (SPN) which is really just a renewal of old crack, cuz i used to be obsessed with the show til bout mid-way through season 3 when i ended up either forgetting it was on or having to work...so He's really like, Brand New Used Crack?? idk, it's confusing, and i'm sleep deprived and WTF?

and the funny thing is that i'm not even sleepy. like i've got a minor dull ache starting in my forehead area, and my eyes are super fucking dry and i KNOW i should be sleepy and should've been asleep hours ago and really the time just sorta flew away from me. it was like 2 am just a few minutes ago, I SWEAR! LOL

i wonder what time i'll crash and then what time i'll end up waking up. and i've got like some serious crap to do to. like that merit scholorship thing that's due tomorrow that i was supposed to work on tonight - er, last night, which was the reason why i stayed up late anyway, but i got distracted and even when i started to try to work on it, my mind went completely blank--BRB ASNWERING MY PHONE!

ok, i'm back and it was just my mom bitching about something again...>> it's too damn early to be bitching or to be listening to bitching especially on an empty stomach. -__-

anyway, what was i saying?? >>; oh, right, my brain went blank. D: it's scary and i hate it. my brain is always doing something. i'm either talking to myself and having AWESOME conversations :D, thinking about something fandomy, or i dunno, listening to the soundtrack of my life MY BRAIN IS ALWAYS DOING SOMETHING. it's a real pain when i'm trying to sleep but not a problem at all when i'm not, lol. :P but that's besides the point, the point is that...i forgot...oh, yeah, i hate when my brain goes blank. like complete silence i can't even keep a though in my head. i'll like try to start some kind of commentary, but it just gets swallowed by the silence and i'm just neh~ and i have to go watch/look/read porn something.

lol, ya know what's funny? everytime someone asks me what i do online i always answer with 'stuff' cuz if i said 'oh, read fanfiction' the majority of the people i talk to won't know what i'm talking about, at least i don't think. (it's extremely doubtful) but then they automatically assume it's porn, lmfao. and i'm like 'wtf? how does stuff=porn?' does not compute...

meh, i guess i'm done rambling and i really should try to type when i haven't slept in over 17 hours. SO many typos, haha

laterz peepz! gotz to get my badass nephew ready for skizool! XD

i'm sleep deprived, i like to ramble, castiel makes me happy in my pants, tags make me happy in my pants, i like my sleep, lmao, supernatural, i like tags, misha collins, my brain on mute scares me, i'm bored, lol, d:, elijah is a bamf, :d, xd

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