(no subject)

Jul 06, 2007 13:04

Ass many of youall ready know i have been havin hard finanncial times lately. which made it looklike i was nevah gonna be able to get the surgery i needed to make my transition compleat. hell i couldnt even aford to get the estragen shots on a reguler enuff basis so my tits came in loppsided. Every one at WOOFS callin me "MAMA BEAR" now cuz i still got my goatee and shit! DAYUM NIGGAHS, SHIT AIN COOL!

then my friend the glamerous lady PAMELA who is now workin the door at Transimissions (where up until yesterday i was a employee too) came up with a bright idea one nite when we was all tweaked out on T and watchin the Discoverry Chanel special about these babies who was born with there private parts all weird so nobody could tell if they was little baby bois or little baby girls [MUTANT TENNAGE NINJA BABIES NIGGAS!!!!!!!) so the doctors had to do surjery on there private parts to clear everything up for there birth certificats.
Pamela trannie ho said, "HEY, what if we could git insurence to pay fo our gender re-asignements niggah?" and i was like, 'how da fuck we gonna do dat BIOTCH HO!!!!!!"
Then Pamela point out that we just got health insurence thru Transmissions and if we have a accident at work like an on-da-job injery, insurence would hafta pay like WORKERS COMP YO!!!! DAYUM, sometimes dat Pamela not such a dumass!!!!!

So we decided for the Forth of July FIREWORX BLOWOUT AT TRANSMISSIONS we would have a little "acident"....hee hee hee

Pamela and i got all shitty drunk and I had some Gina (GHB suckas!) right before we were suppose to set off the fire works. i was afraid PAMELA was gonna chicken out but she dint which was cool. First she got a Romin Candle and pretended to buttfuck me with it - well, i guess it wasnt really pretend becuz she really was buttfukin me with it on stage and everyone was clappin and shit it was AWESOME and then she took it out and lit it and aimed it at my manpussy again and it started firing but i couldn't even feel it cuz i was so FUCKED UP! and i followed our plan and put an M80 firecracker in Pamelas butthole and lit it and KABOOOOOOOOMMMM!!!!!

next thang i no i'm in a ambulence and then i pass out again and waked up in a hospitel bed. doctors had to take out part of my prostrate and one of my balls from damadge from the Romin Candle and i was like, "HELL DOC WHY YOU DIDNT JUST TAKE IT ALL OFF?" and doc say he perserved as much of my other nut and dick as possible and i was like HELL FUCKIN FUCK!

they let me out this morning and i cum to find out i'm the lucky one cuz Pamela dint even get anything cut off - that M80 just left her butthole the size of a coffee can HAHAHAHAHAAA BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME TRANNIE BIOTCH!! She caint even hold her dayum trannie shit in and has to wear diapars! HAHAH

So any ways needless to say insurence aint gonna cover our dayum hospitall bills so SHOUT OUT AND BIGGA NIGGA PROPS to jimmymontrose for hosting a bennefit tonite at MARY'S in east HOTLANTA to raise money and big thanx to flick_tm for lettin me crash on his couch while i recover YOU DA MAN BILL! Yall bettah get yo asses to mary's tonite and spend a shitloada cash BOI! The NORTH GORGIA TRANNIBEAR STOMPERZ are gonna be performin too so bring cash fo da tip jar (and fo there G-strangs!!!!! HOLLA!)
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