May 31, 2007 19:54
I wanna change my live jornal name to something else because of my life style transitions I have been going thru lately. But it says you have to pay or something. SHIT AIN’T LIKE DAT YO! I want my new name to be TINAPARTIBOIBEARGirrRL!!!!!!!!! LOL Lol!
one of the palces where they do the estrigin shots got infected last week which SUCKED! so they had to stop givin me my "moans" (stands for whore moans - thats horemoans for all u dumasses_) temprarairily which SUCKED because my titties had just started to cum in!! FUCK DAT SHIT. i stopped shavin my chest anyways cuz my cloggin out fit kep makin it break out. Roderick he call it "chesney" like acney but on your chest hahaha LOL i was like "DONT u mean KENNY CHESNEY, you ignorint tarbaby?!" and dats when he give me a black right eye to go with the black left eye i already got LOL!! LEFT EYE TLC RIP fa real!!
i have gottin in touch with my feminan side i guess because i notice things i dint before like flowers and the sunshine and i am paying better attentian to smelling good in my body. i want to be fresh and naturel which is a femail trait, so i have been using Pamela's ("SKANK HO!! BOOOYAH! lol) dooshes alot but it's gross because i have to scrape the crusty shit offthe tip of the dooshbag before i can use it (PAMELA IS Na-na-na-NASTAY!! HO!_) cuz the tip gets cloggd if you dont.
speaking of clogg, i have joined a amature cloging group "THE NORTH GEORGIA TRANNIBEAR STOMPERZ". we practice every tuesday night at 10pm in the parking lot of Roxx on cheshire b ridge road. sometimes theres a lot of hookin up (or just plane "hookin"!! lol) afterwrds and one time the police cum and shot tearsgas at us. I was like "Woah, wer'e just a bunch of trans dudes here trying to clog and have a good time' but they were like 'fuck dat shit' and shot the dayum teargas anyways! My costume still makes my skin itch and my eyes all red and shit.
we tried to sign up to clog in the GAY Pride Paraide next month but those assholes said no becuz our name THE TRANIBEAR STOMPERZ sounded like we were GAYBASHERS! WTF!! LoL. Don't matter none anyways cuz i'm gonna git FUUUUUUCKED UP for GayPRide gonna be shittin tina an pissin JACK&Coke!! be da biggest mess u EVAH SEEN EVAH!!!