Can't remember original post, so have this instead.

Jul 04, 2010 18:57

Fuck you, asshole assbutt.

Troll secret. Made it go away.

Saw The Kung Fu Kid last night. I refuse to call it The Karate Kid because Dre is learning kung fu. Man did I miss a good old fashioned martial arts film. And everything about it was so fabulous, like the hilarious/awkward/cringeworthy/dead-on culture clash. I can't stop thinking about the movie. Jaden and Jackie were so. Much. Love. And hooray for uncredited Michelle Yeoh cameo!

I feel like overhauling my icons again. Am also seriously considering giving LJ money for more icon space (and the ability to use LJ notes and expand comments because I'm a wank firefly attracted to the wank light).

Fun bit of trivia: went to Grandma's temple today. Wish I knew exactly what the ritual was that we did, but my aunt told me that on the 49th day we're going to have another similar ceremony except this time instead of setting fire my grandfather's name + wife, kids, and address we're burning his photograph. I asked why, and she said she just learned it herself but as long as we keep anything by him he'll never be able to leave this place.

Well that's just fine and dandy, but I'mma keep my photographs of him in my camera, mmm'kay? And now that I'm home my dog's absence screams at me. I keep looking at the yard expecting to see him rolling about in the grass. Where are you?

Happy Fourth of July everyone. Enjoy the fireworks and be safe, don't blow your hand off.

P.S. Remembered original post. Will write a post about the tone argument, RBR, extreme fail at FFR, The Last Airbender, and the Racebending Revenge Ficathon. I got very upset when someone argued that it's okay that some characters' races changed since not all the characters were white. Well okay then, why did you argue that it's wrong for Zuko to be Indian and the rest of the Fire Nation "Asian" (because India ain't Asia, apparently) while it's totally okay for Katara and Sokka to be whitewhitewhite and the Southern Water Tribe Asian (when they're supposed to be Inuit and therefore First Nations)?

Do not make the argument that since Katara's not a real person it's okay to cast anyone to play her regardless of color/race/ethnicity. I got so upset I had to distract myself with something else for a good long time.

And why tone argument and RBR? Because I remembered making said tone arguments back when we started having issues wrt racism. This was coming hot on the heels of RaceFail '09 and given the fandom's focus - Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel - you can imagine just how well this conversation went. It was around that time that I started reading posts about RaceFail. And then came Star Trek XI and a furious debate over Uhura's hair and, by extension, Zoe Saldana's hair. Point is, do not make the tone argument at me wrt the Racebending Revenge Ficathon and the The Last Airbender. Okay, saving this for a later post.

I'm still angry/hurt at someone's callous dismissal of my confusion. You didn't have to tell me why I was wrong about fandom being full of rainbows and butterflies. You could have just told me I had to find out for myself. Your comments were basically, "Ha, ha, sucks to be you" and that just ruined political/pundit fandom for me. So fuck you.

...yeah, saving this for another post.

P.S.S. You know what creeps me out? People talking about so-and-so being so hot and wanting so-and-so's babies. Then again I don't really have a sexual attraction to these people so, you know, I'm not seeing the appeal. I get off on living vicariously through the characters?

P.S3. I hit a minor writer's block while working on my DCBB fic and half of it was because I was trying to decide how to describe Bobby and thought, "Older white man". And then thought, "Oh my god, how'd I describe all previous white characters? Did I mention they were white? What about all...three people of color? Oh my god, this is so gross. What is wrong with this show?"

So the question is - how much am I rewriting it? How closely am I sticking to the canon? Where do I slack off on how closely I stick to the script? How much effort am I giving to balance the imbalance? Will people see me as someone who's ignorant of Show's many fails? Will they think me a hypocrite because of my DCBB fic vs. my Racebending Revenge fic?

Is this how it feels? How am I suppose to reconcile myself? This isn't something I'm gonna walk away from. What do I do?

Continue writing in my racebended universe?

core: race and class and gender, challenge: deancasbigbang 2010, things that can't be ignored, questions that need answering, 2010, culture & clash, ranting for great justice, fandom: general, random & noodles, movies that blow socks off, fandom: supernatural, opinion matters but not yours, tinkering around, lj communities, family matters, life or something like it

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