Jul 03, 2010 17:09
I'd half a mind to, er, "upgrade" my journal's status to "adult concepts" the way I did with Dreamwidth. Then I remembered that "adult concepts" =|= "view with discretion". *sigh*
Still need to make graphics for my profile page + an introductory post + fanworks post. I want to discuss what goes in my journal as well as my "policy" regarding my fanworks (aka you're free to make icons of any fanart that's not a gift [unless you're the one being gifted] or a request/commission (unless you're the one requesting/commissioning] as long as you link back so I can...oh my god there's no forward slash on this keyboard, what the fuck? Well, credit/link me so I can flail and pass it on). Oh, and add another "aka" for fanfiction - feel free to toy with my universes. Just link me back so I can see what you did, flail, comment, and spam my flist/reading circle with links of glee.
Omnomnomn fandom. God I really want to draw...something. Anything (Dean/Castiel). I need a new sketchbook. And a TARDIS. No telling how much time I need practicing how to color because as nice as my latest piece is the shading is both a bit rushed (cuz I'm lazy and my shoulder was killing me) and not very good. I have extremely high standards, okay?
drawing is like cake,
tinkering around,
random & noodles,