(no subject)

Nov 11, 2003 02:26

Tomorrow, is Veteran's day that means I don't have classes. I don't know if it's the same for everyone but for my classes (at least from my professors) it holds true. Today has been a really awesome day in some ways, I finally had the chance to talk to a few people that I hadn't talk to in awhile. I guess little things like this just brighten your day, being able to talk to your friends whom you are comfortable with. I wish sometimes, days would just slow down so you would actually have time to actually be able to converse. (or rather in my case: that they would have time to talk instead of being always on the go) But, needlessly to say, I do miss a lot of things that happened in the past: like having a lengthy conversation that you enjoy or the friends that I used to hang out with. I really wonder how I just am able to just grow apart, well not really grow up but become distant when you were once so close. But as I look at them, I realize they really haven't changed a bit.. they are the same old people that I used to know.. but not me. Not getting anywhere in this so called life, still stuck in the pitfalls of indecision. Not knowing what to do and not knowing what they want. Of course, when I say this, I'm not saying I'm better in any means, but sometimes I wonder if I were still with them. Would I end up the way I am today, have the same change that make up the person I am today? It's a weird thought, but I would probably say No. Because we live in a world of limited association: where the people you are around most is likely the make up of who you are. "You are the 10 people around you"

As I look back on this day, I realize that I really don't understand some things as to why people do the things they do. Like for example: today there was one 'beggar' (I use that term very loosely) that came to me and asked for money for a bus ride, of course I didn't have the full amount but I gave him 3/4 of the amount that he wanted. I didn't even recieve a thank you from the person, he just kind of shaked his head thinkin' that I just didn't want to give it to him. This really open my eyes to the point that there are really truly undeserving people out there in the world. But, Of course I'd still give and do what I can for them, because it is important to give back to society and to be generous.. so in a way I did my part. Anyways this kind really reminds me of the movie "Pay it Forward": I really plan on putting into action next time when this happens because pepole realy should be more generous and learn. Honestly, I just don't appreciate how someone can ask you for something, and you don't even get a thank you but instead cynicism.. and because they never learn from the things they do... they'll just do it over and over again.

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