(no subject)

Nov 07, 2003 10:53

You know what? I just got done taking a midterm, and #!@!$# me. I missed two basically easy questions because I had so much time to spare, and I just end up changing my answers as I got more into the thought process. I should have just trusted my instinct the first time I did the effin' problem, jesus christ! I don't know what the results are going to be actually, my maxmimum right amount I can get right now is a 90, since I missed the two questions. But knowing the freakin' professor, he'll take off a lot more because of work. What irks me the most is that, I even asked him today in the lecture hall while taking it, "is this sufficient work"? You know what he responded, "I can't tell you, but all I can tell you is that you need to show appropriate work" What the crap kind of answer is this?! Goddddddddddddddddd, I mean I understand that you have to adapt to others, just like adapting to society. But, even it's hard when you dont know where to begin with or what he wants, how the fuck am I suppose to do it! Pardon my french, considering it's quite unusual that I use such vulgar language, but hopefully that well encompassed my point/emotion.

But in the end, it end up as being my fault, I know I'll either get an A- if I'm lucky and no points are taking off for the lack of work, or somewhere in the B range. And of course a lot of people would be happy about it, but the thing is.. I finally understood what the phrase "If you never grow, and you never are at your best, you'll never be happy" or tquote "I fear more of regret than I fear failure". It really bothers me when I know if I actually studied and tried, I could have achieved something better, but due to the lack of discipline and impetititude I falter at something like this. But it's true, it wouldn't bother me as much if I had tried all I can and got something worse. I mean at least you gave it all you can right, but no.. not me. :sighs: I really need to get a freaking A in this class... instead of ending up with a B average.

On a brighter note, that'll teach me to slack off like I do and waiting till the last day (pulling an all nighter) studying. But at least, it showed me the spectrum of the bad, a lesson that I can learn from. Because without the bad, there is no good... just like without light there is no dark. So I might as enjoy the spectrum, because it's part of life... the ups and downs. Anyway, I really should get to sleep.... as I'm slowly seeping into the unconcious. Till next time.

Food for Thought:
"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will
not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius
will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the
world is full of educated failures. Persistence and determination alone
are omnipotent.

When we are persistent and determined we will become talented,
knowledgeable, experienced, confident, successful, rich and happy. In this
place there is no need to cheat because you are correct and truthful."
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