(no subject)

Oct 16, 2003 20:31

As much as I hate to spoil the moment of a good day but there is something about the rain that seems to bring out the hidden things in people; i.e. me. I wish I could just let myself be free and say what I have to say, say how I feel, and not be scared of what one may think. It's funny how I just seem to glide over and joke around it, without even giving the slighest idea of my true self in a conversation. I really wonder how many times it's going to take until I learn to grow up; instead of just letting the person/thing go or fade. Most of all it's not that I'm scared, it's more I don't want to push anyone away with what I have to say... or lead the current state to a more demented path. I'm already losing touch with people, why hurry it up?

Hah hopefully no one understands this entry or for whom it's reference to, but at least in a way it's theraputic... I guess? Humans are emotional beings, and me being emotional now, I can't really think logically. But due to past analysis: my conclusion was that the whole thing was not worth it. But somehow emotions always get in the way... ? Stupid Me

Moving on, today was the day of my recitation class, there I realized that I made one stupid mistake on a problem on the the midterm that was taken a few days ago. What tragedy right, yet somehow it seems to be a big deal for me. I really hope I don't get penalized too much for it, considering the fact that specific problem itself was worth 12 percent of the whole midterm. But it was just one stupid mistake! I got the formula right, but due to my mental incompetence I messed up and forgotten to add a number to the equation. Though the results or answer ended up being correct, except for that one measly step... but knowing these T.A's and professors here, I'll probably end up missing the whole thing. The truth is, I don't know why I'm doubting myself that much, but as time progresses the rise of doubt accumulates. Hopefully I didn't do too bad :o/
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