
Oct 15, 2007 21:40

Read a little more of Samurai Usagi last night.

A little more on my thoughts and opinions )

den-o, reborn, samurai usagi, fangirling, food

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kiirobon October 16 2007, 03:08:28 UTC
*Feels odd commenting in english, but is too lazy to get out his Japanese WP.* Yeah i'm so baaaaaaaad. And yay on reading more Usagi! I just found 31 on the net and read it! I really really hope this becomes an anime in a year or so...Its fun in manga format but with good animation and a nice soundtrack i can see it being even better. Go Gosuke go! lol and is it just me or does Shino get cuter every chapter? XD


shiroro October 16 2007, 03:15:13 UTC
Whaaat? XD Why would you feel odd commenting in English?! My entry is in English! haha

I really like how he draws the characters interacting. Their expressions are really nicely drawn which makes it very easy to picture in anime style I guess. ^^; It is a very cliche but, I like his silly twist with it too. Like those retarded bunny masks that Shino makes KILLS me. XD I really wish it'll get popular enough for Gin-san to make fun of the masks or something (or he can wear it!) haha

Yeaaah! Shino does get cuter every chapter! LOL Man, I want more chapters now. XD I need to go on a bunny hunt. haha


kiirobon October 16 2007, 03:18:37 UTC
Lol well its just that the two comments above were in japanese....but whatever XD The expressions are nicely drawn, not to mention the backgrounds and the character designs have a lot of varience so its not like each person looks the same.

Shinoooooo! Especially at the end of the most recent chapter. If they're this close as kids, they'll probably be a really good adult couple! For now its just nice to see them as kids. Heheh it would be nice to see Gintama poke fun at it, which'll probably happen if it gets animated or has a few more chapters in.

Moar Usagi please! Fukushima-sensei!


shiroro October 16 2007, 03:29:13 UTC
Haha XD Sorry for the intimidation then. lol
And yes! I agree with the characters actually looking different! (I think their super thick brows are actually cute. lol)

Oh yes, definitely! I think they would be such a cute couple even as adults (and even as an old married couple too. haha)

I do hope Gintama would poke at it. XD Gintama pokes at the most RANDOMEST things so. . .
Considering it's a Samurai series vs a samurai series so!! Haha

YES~ Moar usagi! (and do you know if anyone is scanlating it? @_@;)


kiirobon October 16 2007, 03:31:16 UTC
No...i tried translating the first chapter but it broke my brain :( I still need to spend time studying japanese to be able to take that on without it taking years....


shiroro October 16 2007, 04:06:33 UTC
Aww. Well, at least you tried. XD That's what matters. . . considering NO ONE ELSE has as of yet. x_x I may try after October is over and I have some more free time. I think a bunch of people would like it or have interest in it if they understood it. ^^;


kiirobon October 16 2007, 04:10:01 UTC
Hah yeah...i wish i had more free time, because i learn so much more japanese when i'm actually translating things. My vocab went up considerably (In both good and bad ways) when i started translating Gintama. I may try again with Usagi but do chapter two...(part of the reason it broke my brain is because of chapter one lengths.) If i can't though...i'll look forward to your translations ^^.

I think you're right though, many people seemed interested when i was doing chapter one, so i think if someone who knows what they're doing and can do it with some speed does it Usagi's fandom might at least go up slightly.


shiroro October 16 2007, 04:26:22 UTC
I agree. I think my Japanese vocab went up after I started to translate too. I even ended up getting a digital pocket dictionary since those are pretty handy. XD

Yeah, ch.1 is usually always the longest. x_x; They have so much to introduce. lol I'll try and see if I can find a raw and poke at it when I have time. ^^;

Hopefully that will help spark interest in other people. :3 (but for the time being, we'll be happy with newer chapters. LOL)


kiirobon October 16 2007, 04:29:30 UTC
Heh if its a raw you want, i think i may have one, though i have to look through my CD's...i had to reboot my computer and so everything is backed up on CD's that are everywhere in my room. I think i have raws for 1-15 on there.

Again it seems for most cases in jump, that people are interested in the manga...but its a fact of being able to get translations. Gintama COULD be as big as Bleach and Naruto...but Sorachi's crack isn't exactly everyone's gateway drug. *Shot*


shiroro October 16 2007, 04:36:01 UTC
I just got ch.1 from my brother. XD I'll find the rest eventually, no need to go through all your stuff. lol But thank you!

I BET Gintama would be as big as Bleach and Naruto if everyone understood the black humor. I mean they say some CRAZY and terrible stuff in there. XD But the art just doesn't show it all the time unfortunately. I think the fandom is slowly but, surely growing though. ^^; I remember when the LJ comm only had 50 something people when I first joined. It's so nice to see it have so many people now!


kiirobon October 16 2007, 04:39:24 UTC
Yeah! Its nice to see it growing, lol....so many translators are working their way out of the woodwork.

You know i never thought of it that way...i mean yeah when you crack the translation and can read Gintama in your native language its hilariously awesome, but that doesn't show in just the art...while you can read a Bleach or Naruto raw and pretty much get the idea of whats going on. I hope to have a full fledged Gintama community someday though, which is why i'm bringing spoliers much like the Bleach and Naruto fans do.

Oh and no problem with the raws! I need to find them anyway, because after talking to you i really feel like reading from the start again, though it does worry me that Usagi has been hanging out at the bottom of the TOC lately...


shiroro October 16 2007, 04:45:24 UTC
I find it funny how all the translators are just doing bits and pieces and no one is really consistant. XD But, I say it's all good. As long as it gets done, one way or another. ^^;

There are so many panels where Gin-san says the most obscure things with the most deadpan face. XD No one would get it without the translations. As for stuff like BLEACH and Naruto. . . they fight and that's pretty self-explanatory. "AHHHHH!!!!" is a universal language. There really is no need for translations (and it's the easiest to translate thus, there are so many translators for it, I bet)

Uh oh, I hope Usagi would leap its way up the charts again. x_x I would be sad if it gets knocked out in like 5 volumes or something. T_T But then series like Gintama and Reborn didn't have the best of starts so. . . maybe. ^^;


kiirobon October 16 2007, 04:49:23 UTC
Yeah...thats probably it...all the good series get skipped over since they need actual translation XD.

Obscure? I could sit here all night quoting Gintama and it wouldn't get old...such as the court chapter where the Judge asks them to replay the porn in slow mo so he could see the woman get her ass spanked XD. I tell that one to all of my friends and they're like "Dude! Is that really from a manga?!?" Thats why i really look up to Sorachi in my own writing because Gintama almost doesn't feel like a manga...it feels like a sitcom...the type of thing you can pick up anywhere and still be able to roll with it.

I hope Usagi heads up too, because seriously i will lose faith in jump if they knock it out at five volumes. Though it may just be at the bottom because of HXH's return and a bunch of other series on their way out.


shiroro October 16 2007, 05:00:35 UTC
XD How is porn talk not obscure? At least I don't talk about porn in a court house! LOL But yes, I tell my friends about how amazing Gintama conversations are too. ^^; Yeah, you're right. Gintama is like a sitcom that you can pick up anywhere in the series and enjoy it. It's like a nice coffee break between all the crazy fighting action in JUMP I guess.

JUMP got me so upset when they cancelled one series I was looking forward to in Monthly JUMP. More like, I was pretty upset seeing monthly jump no longer running anymore. : sigh : I hope JUMP won't do anything ridiculous like that for Usagi. x_x;


kiirobon October 16 2007, 05:04:14 UTC
No no! I was agreeing with you! Gintama is totally obscure! Especially that one! Hell that line in the court is so obscure it doesn't even sound like something that would be uttered in an anime or a manga! XD And thats what makes Gintama unique! It really sounds like something you'd see on Adult swim as a show that was made overseas but yet it is still japanese. Sunrise is doing a great job with the anime too so its like Gintama is all good XD

Yeah Jump has burned me before too...though most times i find out after the fact. (I was a big Mieru Hito and Buso Renkin fan.) What series was it in Monthly Jump that you were looking forward to? And i pray that Usagi will work its way up soon...the current arc is shaping up to perhaps have a little bit of story...


shiroro October 16 2007, 05:20:53 UTC
I think the anime adds in their own flavor at times too. LOL Like Elizabeth's voice done by "that random guy" otherwise known as the producer. . . type thing. That amused me a lot. lol
I'm honestly surprised Gintama isn't on late night TV with some of the contents they show. They over use censorship at times, in my opinion. . . XD

I really liked Gentou Club. It was cancelled in 2 volumes and I was REALLY sad cuz the art, plot, characters, everything was so good and it was JUST getting exciting then WHAM. It was gone. I was SO angry. T_T
Also I really like Tegami Bachi (Letter Bee). Thankfully that's still going to continue but, it's been put on hiatus while monthly jump is gone. So, I have to wait till 2008 for book 3. I am so sad about that too. T____T TOO LONG of a wait!


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