(no subject)

Oct 15, 2007 21:40

Read a little more of Samurai Usagi last night.

6 chapters in and I can already see this being a next candidate for anime. lol I was talking to kiirobon about that and yeah, we know it'll take over another year or two for that to happen, but most likely it is the next candidate.

I'm no crit, but looking at the series from experience, I think it has a chance. (But then, that's my personal opinion so, don't believe it too quickly. ^^;)

I wonder if anyone scanlates Usagi. . .
Or I would totally reccomend it to everyone (despite only 30 something chapters being out in Japanese and the raws are pretty darn hard to find too. x_x;)

"There was another rabbit who was trying his best to leap to the moon. . ."
ch.6 of Samurai Usagi

I like that phrase. Each character featured is trying his best to reach what they aim for. Whether it be goals, hopes, or just stand up for what they believe in and not giving up. As a pessimist, I suppose themes like that kind of appeal to me. haha XD

But thinking:
oh boy, one of the boys is . . . 12. The other boy and girl are both 15 and married. . .
I don't want to expect much from the fandom (it's still miniscule). BUT, I do like Gosuke and Shino. ^^; They are such a cute couple. Poor Gosuke just hit puberty I guess, so he's so nervous about even holding hands with Shino. But, again. . . they are married. Which adds to the cuteness factor!
Ugh, what's up with me and sappy shoujo manga mode these days? x_x; haha
I can't believe me and ashesto even fangirled about Iemitsu and Nana being a high school couple and we got into shoujo sparkles wai-wai mode. *snort* Oh boy. . .

"I have an expression like that, right?"

WHOA!! New guy new guy!! Kai? I wonder if he's the boss of the imagins. . . He seems very sinister yet very playful. For a moment I thought he kinda looked like Momo. lol But, much more evil. Despite him being a villain, I wonder what he's going to be like! And he tricked poor Ryuta! Their break dancing duke was cool tho. ^^

And now with Den-liner and Zero-liner both gone and with Ryota not being able to transform. . . ohhh what's going to happpeeeennn!!! X__X I can't believe I'm going to miss a week of Den-O while I'm in SF. That kinda makes me a little sad. lol

Princess of Tea
I saw this on Chixi but, I like the name for it. XD I remember there was a manga called "Prince of Tea". So. . . the princess version of it? lol
It's a blend of Darjeeling, Keeman Mao Fung, and Uva tea apparently. I wonder how that'll taste like. . . Darjeeling and Keeman sounds relatively blend-able but, I think Uva tea is a little too strong. It has a distinctive smell too, in my opinion. Well, I won't know until I try, I guess. ._. Hopefully the grocery stores around here would carry it. lol

Tracy makes science fun for otakus!

sinistera: omfg. there is a molecule called squalene
sinistera: NO RINGS!

me: X is a variable for Unknown, right?
sinistera: yes
sinistera: D = difference like... in calculus
sinistera: dx/dy

You learn something new everyday. Reborn makes Math and Science fun. (and kinda pointless)

Without that, science is still boring (since it's confusing. If you actually GET IT then it's interesting. x_x;)

edit- OMG ashesto linked me to This Reborn Doujin and I literally freaked out. OKAY! SO, let's just say all fangirls just work on the same wavelength. X_X;; I swear I did not know of that doujin when I did my ver. And I SO DID NOT KNOW it was 6927.
Wow. that scared me. x_x;;

den-o, reborn, samurai usagi, fangirling, food

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