Jul 10, 2007 23:37
The first day of the new quarter was very long, and I spent most of it very tired, but I only took an hour-long nap between class and have yet to "go back to bed." I think I will be going to bed at a decent hour tonight, though...well, decent for me, at least.
Tomorrow is another long day, although at least this one begins at 12:30pm. So much for Lyondemere rapier practice.
My goal this quarter is not to miss any class sessions. Doing so makes me fall behind in my schoolwork, and doing that leads to me dropping classes to avoid Fs. I definately can't drop any more classes, even if I wanted to. I'm finally in the major program I went back to school for in the first place and I don't want to fall behind any further than I already have.
Thursday I am running an AOKP melee tournament and consecrating a weapon. I hope I have the energy to work on both those things tomorrow night.